Ramson TechLABS India, power up you with a technical knowledge and new technologies that ruins the future in coming days. We are glad to address brilliant students out there. We Always here to support the young students to enhance their technical abilities. to find yourself and to know your capabilities.
VIRTUAL REALITY (VR), is kind of technology that the picture which don’t exist in real-time. It means experiencing objects or things in front of you through VR SYSTEM that actually don't exist. Virtual Reality is already becoming a very in demand concept, and with so many new cameras and devices, it can be easy to feel left behind. That's because VR is still relatively new technology.
There are a number of systems and hardware that will allow users to experience Virtual worlds. These include headsets, headphones, specialized gloves and omnidirectional treadmills for running and jumping, thus allowing the wearer to explore the environment and to experience touch in a virtual world. Our brains and our senses have evolved enough to actually work together in order to provide you accurate feedback of your immediate surroundings.
• Duration: 3 hours.
• Fee: NO FEE
• Certification: from Ramson Semiconductors Pvt.Ltd.
• Auditorium with projector and good sound system